
For Our Authors

Dear Mommy,

Thank you for your willingness to join our group blog! Mommy Diaries (aka MD) was started by a group of LDS moms living in Minnesota in September of 2007. Since then we have spread through the nation to include authors from Idaho, Utah, Florida, Maryland, and Arizona (to name a few). We love to have so many authors on MD--everyone is so different and offers unique perspectives.

First and foremost, we want to make sure that MD is in accordance with the teachings and principles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We recognize that motherhood is a sacred calling and we want MD to be a place to celebrate motherhood and share ways to encourage us all to become better mothers. Secondly, this is a blog about being a mom and posts should have something to do with parenting, children, marriage with kids, etc.

Here are some of the "dos " and "please don'ts " on MD—

  • Introduce yourself. Check under "About the mommies" on the right sidebar for examples of what other moms have done. Please introduce yourself within the first week or so of joining.
  • Post often. There is no limit to posting so feel free to post as often as you like. (Remember this is a group blog though and not a personal blog!)
  • Make comments. Please comment on other posts so that all of our authors feel good about what they shared.
  • Share recipes. Make sure to give credit where credit is due when sharing someone else's recipe.
  • Share craft ideas. Kara does our monthly 1-hour craft, but please feel free to share other easy crafts that you do with your kids!
  • Share advice. MD is a great way to get advice from other moms who have gone through similar experiences. Each week we have a specific "Tricks of the Trade" question. We rotate alphabetically through the authors to take turns of posting the weekly question. It can be whatever you want...check other "Tricks of the Trade" questions to get an idea of how thisworks.
  • Share activities. Every mom loves to hear fun ways to liven up their days with the kids.
  • Label your posts. Please label your recipes (main dish, side, chicken, beef, etc.) and your other posts accordingly. Please see the right sidebar under labels for additional labels to use.
  • Add our button to your personal blog. The Html code for the button is on the left sidebar.
  • Enter MD giveaways. We want you to win!!
Please Don't:
  • Post about other giveaways on MD. We appreciate it if you blog about other giveaways on your own personal blog but not on MD.
  • Post repeat recipes. Once a recipe is posted we keep it in our archivesso there is no need to re-post a recipe.
  • Feel limited on the weekly ingredient. The weekly ingredient is thereto help you think of a recipe to share but if you feel like sharing a recipe thatdoes not contain the "weekly ingredient" please feel free to post it!!
  • Not post! Does that make sense :) If 3 months have passed and you haven't contributed to the blog please know that we will take you off of our author list. While we would love you to keep reading and commenting, we want our authors to post regularly.
  • Write crazy posts. As long as your post has something to do with being a mommy...we should be ok. Please keep your very personal and specific posts on your own blog. Posts that are more appropriate on your personal blog will be removed.
Also, you should know that if you post during a giveaway we will most likely move your post down under the giveaway post for the first few days. Don’t let that deter you from posting though!

We also add every author’s personal blog as a link on our right sidebar. If for some reason you do not want us to do this please let us know.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

The MD Admins

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