
Tricks of the Trade

Wow, thanks for all the great intros! Almost everyone posted one already!

We also had a good idea suggested to us about having some sort of advice giving posts. I've been trying to think of a crafty way to do this since I think it's a great idea too. So here's what I thought of but if anyone has a better suggestion to make it work let me know.
I thought we could have a weekly "Tricks of the Trade" post. This will be a short post just asking any kind of parenting question. Then anyone who wants to can answer the question with your tips, tricks, or advice in the comments (or feel free to do a post if you have more than just a comment). Since I'm sure everyone has questions I thought this might work out best if we take turns with the posts, but I don't want anyone to feel like they have to do it either. So, if you want to have a turn let me know in the comments to this post and I'll take those names and we'll just rotate.
Does that sound like something you would be interested in? Is weekly too often? We could do it biweekly or even monthly instead. If you have any better suggestions let me know.

Also, we've been putting links to our personal blogs/websites on the side. If you want yours linked let me know. Thanks everyone!


  1. You may post my link. THanks, Erika

  2. You can post ours too. Thanks, Cassi for all of your work and I will definitely be up for helping with the questions.
