I got this idea from someone in my student ward at BYU and I did it when we moved here and so far it's lasted so I thought I'd pass along the idea since a lot of us on this blog are in apartments where replacing your countertops isn't an option.
A lot of you have been to my apartment and seen our countertops. What you might not have noticed is that the blue gray pattern is not what my countertops actually look like. When we moved in they were an ugly faded yellow color. Rather than stare at those for the next 5+ years I covered them up with contact paper! It cost me probably $10 and a couple hours sticking it down and I then had countertops that I really like and that match the kitchen decorations I already had. It is a lot easier if you find a pattern that you can overlap without it being obvious on the seams but if you find a good one then it's really not that hard, and so worth it! We've lived here for over 3 years and I think it still looks good!
could you post a picture of it? I would love to do something to my countertops.