
Heeeere's Laura!

Okay, here's me in a nutshell. I grew up in Ohio and majored in theatre at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio (focusing on stage management and theatre history, not acting). I then served my mission in Thailand and got my master's degree in theatre history at Ohio State, where Brian and I met at the singles ward there. We've been married six years. Before having our daughters, Haley (age 3 1/2) and Jessica (1 1/2), I worked for a national arts presenter based in Columbus, while Brian finished school. I was the touring coordinator (organizing national tours of plays we brought over from the UK) and then the development director for the theatre company we managed. I LOVED my job!!!! As any of my close friends will tell you, I had a very hard time transitioning to being a stay at home mom. In fact, I'll probably continue to be working on it for a very long time. However, I am grateful that I can stay with them. When Brian graduated three years ago, we moved to MN for him to work as a financial analyst at Target headquarters. He moved to Macy's in March, and we moved to this area of town in August so he could be close to both work and school (he's going back for dental pre-reqs). We absolutely love this ward--the people are amazing!


  1. I love it! Who wouldn't love your job. I didn't love my job and I still had/have a hard time being a stay at home mom sometimes! You guys are great and we are so lucky to have you in our ward!!!!

  2. Yeah for the Roths! We are VERY glad that you're in our ward! Your girls are adorable, your husband is a great home teacher and we love you!
