
Introduction - Heathere WIlloughby

Hello everyone - This is Heathere Willoughby. I have been slow to post an intro, but I am finally doing it! I live in NE Minneapolis with my stay-at-home dad husband and my little 18 month old Lijah (rather than post pics here you can see plenty at www.flickr.com/photos/hwilloughby). We both grew up in Minnesota so we are used to the cold. One of the favorite things I love about our ward here in MN is seeing all the new student families come each year and telling them all about the winter horror stories! I'm lucky because I love the cold, and the snow - so I think I am living in the right place.

I work at Capella University as an enrollment counselor and by doing this I get free tuition. So I will continue to go to school and rack up the degrees and certificates. The price is right - so I cannot see myself not taking advantage of that! Some non-work, non-school things I enjoy are knitting, making jewelery, photography, arts & crafts, and chasing my little boy around every night when I get home from work.


  1. Welcome Heathere! Along with all the other fun things you're involved in, you're also an amazing nursery leader who has to put up with at least one pretty tempermental kid courtesy of my family! It's fun to have you posting!

  2. make that 2 tempermental kids!
