Hello ladies! So I have always been interested in food storage. We have been counseled time and time again to have some sort of food storage for you and your family. I would love to start my food storage, but I don't know where to start. Also, living in such small apartments, where can I put food like that? There is so little cupboard space as it is, and relatively no storage space. Do any of you have information about acquiring your food storage, or have any tips on how to start and also some different storage tips? Also, any other advice you'd like to share, I'd love to have it! Thanks!
Good question's Chalece, I share many of them. We started with simple things like shampoo's, soaps, tooth brush and toothpaste etc. Every time we go shopping we buy a few extra canned food items as well. Living in utah you can go to the cannery or what ever its called and can your own food and it tells you when to use it by depending on what it is. I use to store water under my bed in liter bottles. Also my Dad made me keep a 72 hour kit in the trunk of our car (when I was single), not to mention the gas mask that was also required. :) Hope that helps.
ReplyDeleteI have recently become SO excited and a little obsessed :) with food storage. I wanted to get ours and I knew there was no way we could fit a year supply in our apt. So, I started small. I decided to get three months worth of food. Like Anna said, I would get a few extra things each time we went to the store and I have a cupboard set aside for that. Plus, I have food storage under our bed, in the bottom of our linen closet, under Will's crib, anywhere there is a space for a #10 can! I'm still working on water storage. The church website has some great tools. Also, I have a great "basics" list that I can copy for you if you want. It has what you need in terms of grains, sugars, beans, etc. plus stuff I never thought about, like salad dressing or mayo, or jam and jello. Simple things that would add a lot in a time of need. The best thing about food storage is that is isn't just for disaster times, it comes in handy when it is -15 outside and you can't start your car to go anywhere - honestly, we were so glad to have food on hand!! One more thing, once you get started, it is WAY easy to keep it up and rotate it. The secret is getting stuff you know how to use and that your family will eat.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great question and something that we keep working on! Like they said, we just try to get extra on each grocery trip and load up on things we like in good grocery-store sales. Also, I highly suggest going to the cannery, even if it's just for a few items the first time. They're prices are a lot better than we can usually get at the store and it's a good way to make sure you're getting started. Good luck, it's a great thing to work on!
ReplyDeleteCould you post that "basics" list?
ReplyDeleteI will try to see if I can post the basics list. It used to be on the church website, but it is gone now. If I can't post it somehow, I could gather e-mail addresses and send it (I can scan it in my computer). I'll work on it!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely make use of the space under all the beds. I also use the space above my laundry cabinets. We store water in the garage. I heard that the best was to store water was in the small bottles it already comes in, but that's expensive. I also fill cleaned out 2 liter bottles and fill them with water. It's literally free! Make an inventory list when you buy and use stuff so you don't waste. My inlaws are terrific at buying food storage but it all goes bad cause they don't use any of it! Waste not! Oh, and don't neglect to buy spices. Imagine using your wheat and rice without any spices or salt?!