

I know a lot of you have husbands who are in grad school. After two years of being in "real life" we are headed back to school. We will be moving to Boston at the end of May for my husband to begin a two year program where he will get an MBA and a Masters of Engineering degree from MIT. So obviously it will be intense, and not only that but we will be poor students! So, my question is for all of you grad wives...anyone have any advice on just about anything you can think of? I would REALLY appreciate it!


  1. I've been a grad wife for 4 years and I still want an answer! :)
    The biggest thing that's helped us is with the "poor student" part is to have a budget and stick to it. Tax returns are nice too!
    And... enjoy the next few months with your husband... haha just kidding. I can't imagine being in the "real life" and having to go back. But 2 years is so short. It will go so fast!
    Since it's the beginning of the week I'm going to go ahead and make this the tricks of the trade question!! Thanks!

  2. Wow, it sounds like you are all going on a crazy adventure! From AZ to Boston! I am no longer in the poor student mode, we survived! When Kent was in the "hard years" of dental school we tried to plan a date or something either Friday or Sat night. It didn't happen every week but it kept us united. He also didn't study on Sunday. We didn't have Ian yet though, if we did those dates would probably have been mostly family dates.
    I have a lot of new friends here in VA that are married to medical residents. I have a new understanding of how hard this is on a wife and family, when you husband is gone for 80+ hrs a week. One mom told me that the way she gets through it with a smile after taking care of her 3 kids each day is to NOT expect ANYTHING from her husband. If he come home and helps with anything she counts it as a pleasant surprise. I think this would be so hard. Remember how temporary the situation is and good luck.

  3. Wow, that will be really big change, but it will be really exciting too! I heard many, many horror stories before my husband went into law school and I was pretty terrified, but it all works out okay when you're actually in it! I know that it will be intense for your husband, but it really helped us to make sure that he was always home Monday nights and tried to be home for dinner most nights. I was lucky because he's an early bird and would wake up ridiculously early to study, but there is still always a ton of work to do! It was great for us to really have to rely on our ward to be our family while we were away from home. Also, a talk we read by Elder Nelson always kept us humble - he had 10 kids while he was in medical school. Needless to say, his wife is a saint! Good luck with everything and congratulations!

  4. Wow! It will be a culture shock! We just moved from New Mexico to NH in August. Boston is 1 hour away. My Hubby just started Law School at Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord, NH. It's hard, but I have met so many great friends who are in teh same boat. There are 18 LDS students and we are all in the same ward. I think that makes a huge difference. My Bishop in NM graduated 2 years ago from MIT and his wife could not stop talking about how much she LOVED Boston! My biggest bit of advice would be live as close to the school as possible! It will be so much easier for your husband to come home for a quick bite to eat and then you can see him at least once a day. Best wishes for you!
