

I love crepes! You can put almost anything you like in them and they are fabulous. I love this particular filling, but fruit and whipped cream is just delightful.


4 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups flour (I used wheat last time and they were just as good)
2 1/4 cups milk
1/4 cup melted butter

Mix eggs and salt. Alternate adding flour and milk a little at a time while whisking (electric mixer is fine too.) until smooth. Beat in melted butter. Refrigerate batter for 1 hour before making crepes.


3 cups strawberries
1/3 cup suger
1 cup cottage cheese
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup powdered sugar

Slice berries, add sugar and set aside. In blender, whip cottage cheese until smooth. Then stir in sour cream and powdered sugar.


  1. Oh yum!! Question though... How do you cook the crepes? Do you do it the same as a pancake on a griddle/skillet, just thinner? I tried making crepes once and it ended up being a pile of broken pancakes.. haha.

  2. I use a frying pan, pour about 1/3 cup into the center and just swirl it around until it covers the bottom. I have seen people heat a pan and then dip the bottom of the pan into the batter. That might be fun!

  3. That doesn't sound too hard... so you don't flip it?

  4. Oops! Yeah, I do flip it. I just wait until the edges start to come up a bit and it has cooked all the way through. It will still look wet because of all of the butter, but you can tell the batter is cooked. Then, I flip it. You only have to leave in on the second side for a minute. All of this is on medium heat. Wow, I guess I am still learning how to write a recipe.

  5. I love crepes, too!! I like to put pudding in mine, how silly but good!!

  6. I have never made crepes, I will have to try this, it sounds yummy!

  7. My sisters and I used to fold a crepe into at least 4ths and nibble little holes on the folds. We called them edible snowflakes! Wow! Fun memories!
