1. I am NOT missing a kidney, but my husband is! When he was in 8th grade he was at football practice and when he was hit, he had a terrible pain, when they took him in they found that one of his kidneys was totally non-functional. It was the size of a grapefruit so they took it out. But I am missing my gall-bladder! That was taken out 2 weeks after my second child was born :)
2. I have never been out of the United States. Boring huh! I have been to a lot of the states, but I am still dreaming for my prince (aka my hubby) to take me away! We are actually saving to go to Portugal and Spain to pick up his brother from his mission, (he is in Madrid and my hubby went to Portugal on his mission)!!
3. I play the French Horn- I do, I do! I love it! I was actually the Drum Major (the one that leads the marching band) and I was sad that I couldn't do that and play my french horn too because I missed playing! I wish I had the time to still play!
4. I was suspended for 3 days in Middle School- I was sad no one picked this! I was actually suspended and worked in the class with the handicapped children. I didn't even do anything! I was a witness to a girl depantsing (where you pull down someone's pants, but not very far) during our all girls P.E. class. Since I was standing there, the girl thought I was in on the plot and her dad pressed charges. We had to hire a lawyer and the girl that did it had to have a probation officer! It was totally crazy! Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time!
5. I went to BYU when I was 8. I should have said attended to make this one more outrageous! My dad went back to school when I was young and for one summer our whole family (I am the youngest of 5) stayed in the dorms at BYU while my dad took classes! My mom is a teacher so she didn't have to work, and we made a lot of trips back to Idaho Falls where we lived so my brother could play baseball but I actually took "classes" at the university. They had classes for the kids! I made some life long friends, and it was really fun to ride my bike all over campus- I knew my way around better than my dad!
So, that is my boring life, don't laugh too hard at the lack of entertaining things!
I tag: Shalee
Wrong again! One of these times I'll guess right!!
ReplyDeleteThat was fun to read! That's really dumb about the suspension though! Wow!