
In need of some Mother's Day Inspriation

I need some ideas of what to get my Mom for mother's day. She will be spending 4-6 months at one of the best hospitals in the nation taking care of my Dad. They leave in June and so I'm wanting to get her something to help with the endless hours of either sitting in a hospital room or in a hotel room. Does anyone have any good ideas?


  1. "Twightlight" Series (Stephenie Meyer) if she hasn't already read them. I know it's a young reader series, but all my friends have found them refreshing compared to the other best sellers. I read all three in 1 week (I know- I'm such a dork!) so she'll still have to find something to do for the rest of the time.

  2. The Twilight books are really good! And if she's already read those then another book by Stephanie Meyer called The Host comes out tomorrow! Maybe she'd like that!?
    You could put together a "pass the time" package with stuff like books, puzzles, sudoku, card games (In a Pickle is a fun one!), and maybe a Blockbuster gift card since most hospitals have a VCR or DVD player, and of course throw in her favorite treats! :)
    Good luck!!

  3. Does she knit or like cross stitch? If so, some supplies to make something fun might be nice. Or a pretty throw and some interesting books would be nice. If they have a CD player in the room some relaxing music might be welcome.
    We wish your dad well! We hope that this treatment helps, 4-6 months is a long time away from home. good luck.
