
Father's Day

Father's Day is this Sunday! A great time to celebrate our great Fathers and Husbands. I am wondering what everyone is doing for the men in their lives. For my husband I was thinking about making him a nice dinner, something he really likes. As for a gift...I am not sure yet. Last year we had just moved so I got him 2 books. One was a trail book for the Shenandoah National Park (which is really close to our new house) and a book of Virginia Birds (he has some nice binoculars). These were a hit and we have used both books quite a bit.
Some girls in my ward got together yesterday and their kids made a Father's Day craft but we couldn't make it. I thought that was a fun idea. So what do you have up your sleeves, I love all of your ideas!


  1. Father's Day is hard! The men in my life are really hard to shop for, especially both of our Dads!
    Brian has already gotten himself his gift... he doesn't usually do this but he really wanted Mario Kart for the Wii and since it's been hard to find he grabbed it when he saw it at the store. And I plan to make him his favorite dinner with his favorite dessert, etc. Nothing too big.
    I'm still stumped on my dad and Brian's dad though. Especially since Brian's dad's birthday was just a few weeks ago! And he's going through cancer treatment and just not feeling good at all!
    Anyone have good dad suggestions?

  2. I'm making a framed document that traces my husband's Priesthood ordination back to Christ. It's way cool. Maybe I can post pics when I'm done with it. THe Church provides the info, you just type it out and decorate it all fancy.
