
The Truth Comes Out!

Okay, many of you guessed it...#4 is my lie, but only depending on timing. Otherwise, they're all true!
1. The summer after high school I worked at Cedar Point amusement park near Toledo, Ohio, and I was Sister Bear in their Berenstain Bear Country. It was the best job I ever had--I got paid incredibly great money to get hugged by kids all day!
2. It took me four years to enjoy being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM), and my oldest is four years old! I've totally struggled with this, off and on, but a few months ago I talked to my mission president about it (he just finished his PhD in marriage and family), and he gave me a huge reality check as well as sending me a bunch of articles reinforcing the fact that diapers and dishes are NOT the fulfilling part of being a SAHM. It's the precious moments that happen when we least expect it that make this job fulfilling, and I just needed to focus on the positive.
3. I love thunderstorms. I really do! Even with all the craziness that comes with them in MN, I still find them kind of romantic, somehow. I think it started when I took an Art in India class in college and learned that when thunderstorms are depicted in Indian art, they're a symbol of romantic love.
4. I kissed my ex-boyfriend while my husband was in the other room. I really did this, but it was the night before my first date with Brian (my hubby), so I was still totally legal (if possibly a bit of a hussy) in doing that. For the record, Brian and I totally laugh about it now. Actually, we laughed about it then, too, oddly enough! Apparently, we really were always meant to be together! :)
5. The summer before I met Brian (in between my two years of my masters degree), I traveled to Europe. I met my friend in Paris and watched the Bastille Day fireworks next to the Eiffel Tower, then we went to Greece to help one of my undergrad professors with measuring some recently discovered ancient theatres (I got my MA in theatre history), then we stopped in Oxford and London for some sightseeing before I started my summer job managing a theatre venue at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland. So, I hit four countries in six weeks...I wish I could've seen more, but I'm so glad I traveled so much before settling down!

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