
Media Savvy

My son is three. He is talkative and smart. He is funny and strong. He loves to dance and eat. Also, he is afraid of everything. I love movies and so I was so excited to show some of my favorite children's movies to my son. After the first few it was apparent that my previous sense of what was a children's movie and my son's tolerance for said films were not totally compatible. As in, Finding Nemo runs about 32 minutes in my house because of all of the 'scary' scenes that we have to skip. So, to all of the other moms of media-sensitive children out there: here is a useful little website for you. It is called Common Sense Media and it gives acurate (for our family, anyway) ratings of all kinds of media. Now, maybe I will stop subjecting Anthony to the more traumatic episodes of Little Einsteins!


  1. That link just appeared there, right? RIGHT!?

  2. I've seen that website! It's really nice!! Brian actually uses it to decide if a video game he wants is ok too.
