I definitely know that breast feeding is best, but it has honestly been a huge struggle with both of my kids and I've been kind of worried about it this time around. I'll of course give it my best effort for the third baby, but I thought this was a very interesting
article that gives a seldom-voiced perspective. Let me know what you think...
Very interesting! And very touchy subject.... good question! :) I think there are positives and negatives to both. For me, breast feeding was easy, I'm quite the milker.... and I'm the only one allowed to call myself that! It was easy, my child ate great, and I only have 1. The other thing I loved about nursing was the convenience, yes, occasionally it was hard to be the ONLY one who could feed my child, but I only felt like that lasted the first 5 months and then he was on to snacks and such and I felt like it took a lot of the load off my shoulders. I loved the fact that I could do it anytime, anywhere, without worrying about sanitation, mixing formula, etc. I also liked that it was something so specifically designed for my child, and that my body knew exactly what to do, our bodies are incredible. BUT.... breastfeeding is not for everyone. Like the lady in the article, I was not breastfed, I'm a formula child. I'm the youngest of 8 and I totally don't blame my mom for not nursing, at that time, formula was the thing to do. Most of my nieces and nephews are bottle babies as well, and they are all turning out super! If nursing isn't helping you to have a low-stress, cohesive, positive relationship or bonding experience with your child, I would have no qualms about switching to a bottle. There are positives to that as well.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I've learned about mothering.... you have to do what works for you and your kids. Sleeping, eating, potty training, etc. just do what works for you and what you feel comfortable doing. There are too many things to worry about being a mom, don't let people judge you or make you feel bad for your choices. Bridget, you are an awesome mom and I'm sure whatever you choose will be right. Maybe give it a shot for the first few months and if it isn't working, switch! Sorry for the really long post, this is a hot topic, and I felt special being the first commenter! :)
I have attempted to nurse my first two children. My first was terrible at nursing and I hated it, she lasted 6 months and then I got kidney stones from too many tums during pregnancy, and the meds they put me on weren't good for her, and then she wouldn't go back to nursing. My second was born a good nurser, but she got 3 months of nursing due to BP meds drying up my supply. My goal with my third baby, not yet born, is to nurse her to at least 9 months. However, my philosophy is to nurse but be okay with doing formula now and then too. I always carry a bottle and formula around just in case baby is starving and I'm not somewhere I can nurse. So I prefer to nurse but am not opposed to giving formula when needed.
ReplyDeleteI am pregnant with baby number 2 and with baby number 1, well she never latched on! I will be the first to say that I think that is was more the lack of knowledge on my part that prevented me from being able to nurse her! I love the thought of nursing and have done LOTS of research and asked lots of questions so that I can have that chance with this second one! I did think that breast milk was the way to go so I pumped for the 1st 6 months and then said ok that is enough. So she is a half breast half formula girl and a pretty darn smart one if I must say so myself:) Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI was super grateful for this article! I am not one who has ever enjoyed breastfeeding -- and my children weren't easy, they didn't seem to like it either. I did three months with both of them, and then gave into the bottle/formula urge. People seem to care WAY too much about other people's nursing habits! When it came down to it for me, I was a better mother because I was not fighting with them to nurse and feeling guilty about hating it when I sat through the nursing process. The most important thing is feeling good about being a mother, enjoying your children, and making the best choices for your family!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great topic, one I just struggled through and cried many tears over. I love the comment by K Willson "People seem to care WAY too much about other people's nursing habits!" I just had my second child, he is 3 months old now and we had a horrible time nursing!!! Nursing went really well with my first son so I was devastated when things didn't going so well with #2. I ended up pumping milk and feeding him bottles. I would get all kinds of questions(usually at church) about why I was giving him a bottle. I felt the huge weight of guilt! I knew that formula would be just fine for my boy but I kept trying to nurse him. After about 2 months we finally had success and now he is a part time nurser, the rest of the time I feed him expressed milk in a bottle. Truthfully I kept trying to nurse him mainly for the convenience factor but also because I enjoyed nursing my first son and wanted to have that experience with the second. I am glad that I was persistent. Everyone just needs to do what fits their own lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteBreast is best for my budget.
ReplyDeleteBreast is best for my daily schedule.
Breast is best for those night feedings when you don't have to get up and mix a bottle.
Breast is best when baby and mommy BOTH enjoy it.
I am so greatful to live in a time where there are near perfect substitutions to breast milk.
I loved nursing and both my girls nursed very well and I rarely had any problems. My only complaint is that they both stopped nursing after they started walking (about 10 months) and I wasn't ready to quit cold turkey like that. But I still try to be supportive to moms who choose to not breastfeed. I've had friends whose milk never came in, babies couldn't latch on, milk dried up from pumping at work, or they just couldn't fall in love with having their boobs used as a pacifier. And that is OK by me. I think that moms are responsible for doing what is best for their kids, and sometimes, Breast is not best and I feel sorry for all those "modern moms" who try to make you feel guilty for using formula.
I was breastfed as a child because my parents couldn't afford formula and simply felt that the woman's body is built to provide nourishment for their newborn. I am greatfull that my mother did nurse all 7 of her babies because she as had so much advice to pass down to me because of it.
I'm getting ready for my 3rd (anyday now-maybe today?!!!) and my concern for this one is that I can't find the nursing pads I used for my first 2. So I'm really bummed that I have to spend money on new brands to find one I like. Has anyone used reusable pads?
Great comments everyone! It's so interesting to hear everyone's perspectives. Janalee, I've used both the reuseable and the disposable nursing pads. I loved the reuseable with my first baby, but for some reason (maybe because I am getting pretty flat!), I couldn't get them to stay in place as well for baby #2, so I mainly used disposable ones on him. I wish I could remember what brand I got - I seriously have the worst memory for baby stuff and now I need to figure it out again. Good luck with the soon-to-be-new-arrival! Let us know how everything goes!
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm late in responding! I agree with all the above comments though. I think it's good to try nursing with each baby but if it doesn't work out then you shouldn't have to feel bad or guilty about using formula.
ReplyDeleteMy first child was definitely the hardest to nurse. After I finally got the hang of it it was fine but it took about 3 months of torture. But then baby number 2 was a lot easier and by baby number 3 I had no problems and it was great! Although I still wouldn't say that I "enjoy" nursing like some moms do. I was glad to be done at 10-12 months.
Janalee, Lanisoh disposable breast pads are THE best in my opinion. I had an extremely difficult time nursing my 1st. The nurses could get him to latch on but I couldn't do it by myself. After I got home I did get a nipple shield that helpd a lot. I only bf him for 2 weeks. As soon as I put him on the bottle it was like a huge weight being lifted from my shoulders. I pumped for a while & then one day said that's it, no more. I was able to nurse baby #2 for 5 months. I knew going in to it that I had flat nipples & needed to use a shield in the beginning & eventually he got it without the shield. I stopped nursing him because of some major stress that happened in my marriage & didn't think that it was fair. He went to formula & he's a great 2 1/2 year old boy. Whatever works for you is what's best. I hate when people make you feel bad for what you've decided to do especially the medical professionals & your friends at church. I've always said that for something that's supposed to be so natural it can seem very unnatural for those of us that have had difficulties. I also had the "baby blues" with baby #1 & when I stopped focusing on the nursing & how difficult it was for us I was able to get back on track & not sink deeper into something worse. Do what's best for you!!!! Besides if your baby doesn't like it, why torture eachother just because of what someone else might say to you.