
Hi, I'm Staci Kramer

I was introduced to Mommy Diaries by my good friend Kiera and I was instantly hooked. Its taken me much too long to post my introduction because I just don't know what to say. There are so many things about myself that I could share but I guess the most important thing about me is that I am a mother. I love being a mother. I have two sons. Jack is 5 and Abraham is 1. I dream of having a hundred kids. I want to see how each one would look and what their little personalities would turn out like and I would want to snuggle them and kiss them all day long. For now the two keep my busy enough and with a little luck we will add a third sometime soon.

My husband is a police officer for the Town of Gilbert and he is a great hero for my boys. We have been married for 6 and a half years and been living here in Queen Creek, Arizona for the last three years. We live right next door to my sister and her family. She has four children who are basically being raised with my children as siblings. There are so many awesome advantages to having my sister so close. I never have to go to the grocery store with my kids and there is always someone around to hang out with when my husband is at work. We take turns making meals and do combined Family Home Evening etc. I don't know how anyone survives without their sister next door.

I am an aspiring writer and an avid blogger. I have written half of a novel and it is my goal to finally finish it and get it published sometime before I die. I am a pretty opinionated person when it comes to politics. I have been called a right-wing nut job and I consider that a great compliment. I love our country and the constitution I am so thankful for the freedoms we enjoy.

A few more things about me:

Thinks I like:
Shopping (my only vice)
Trivia (I'm a Jeopardy nerd)
Traveling (I don't do much anymore, but I do love it)
Church (I teach Gospel Doctrine and I love the gospel)
Makeup (I could spend two weeks in Sephora and not get bored)
Animals (We have three Chihuahuas, one parrot and 3 tortoises)

Things I hate:
Exercise (unless I can talk someone into doing it with me)
Cleaning my house (I throw parties to force a deadline upon myself)
Nuts (they have been responsible for ruining far too many chocolate chip cookies)
People who think being a mom is easy or doesn't require intelligence and skill

Above all I love to get to know new friends and I can't wait to be apart of the MD community!


  1. YEY STACI! Welcome:) Fun intro.. I TOTALLY agree on the nut thing! I will be totally excited about a cookie or something and find out there's nuts in it and it totally depresses me:) haha 2 weeks in sephora!? Nice!

  2. Welcome Staci! I'm excited to get to know you too! I'm the same way with cleaning my house...I only want to clean it if people are coming over so I have to force myself to have people over often.

  3. Hi Staci! I like your idea of giving yourself a deadline so you have to clean your house. I'll have to try that sometime. I'm sure we'll be learning a lot of fun things from you!

  4. HI Staci I'm on your computer and right next to you but I am excited to learn more about you from your blog contributions! I do like nuts but not in cookies. and think Adam should have won American Idol even though Kris is awesome! HA!

  5. Welcome!! I also hate nuts! I never understood why someone would do that to a perfect cookie or brownie!
