It's time for the February craft! I had A LOT of fun with this one. It's not really a craft, more just something yummy and fun you can do for Valentines Day. I got my inspiration HERE PLEASE go and check it out, you may find something you like about it better than what I did.
That's it! Just fill the cups, add the popcorn, and stick a popsicle stick in there for a "spoon." Oh, and don't forget your cherry on top chocolate! Let your kids help, they'll love it, we had a great time making these. My parents come for a visit today and we can't wait to give them their valentines! After I bagged them up, I added a little not that said "You're Sweet as a Sundae, with a cherry on top! Happy Valentines Day!"
If you want to make some, here's a list of what I used:
Plastic cups
assorted candy
chocolate for the "cherry" on top
popcorn (and white chocolate chips or bark if you want to do it my way)
popsicle sticks
That's it!
How cute and fun! My kids would love this over an ice cream sundae... and it would probably be less messy! :)