It's the first week of the month again! That means we get to find out more about our great mommy authors and readers! And make sure you scroll down and see Kara's awesome craft tutorial afterwards!
The question for this month is: How did you meet your husband? And/or how did he propose to you?
Oh how I love my hubby!!!! ok so I had just broken up with a boyfriend and it was one of those rough breakups!!! So I was on a NO BOY policy!! I didn't want to even date them!! My best friend called me up one day and told me she had this boy that I just had to meet! He worked with her then fiance. I was like ok whatever, what will it hurt!!! So I went and met him. He worked at a oil shop changing oil in cars and trucks. When I first saw him he was all dirty from the oil and I thought he was hot!!! We went on a date the next night and well we'll just say we didn't watch the movie!! :)
He was going on his mission in 2 months so we decided to just be friends.... but we couldn't stay away from each other. So he gave me a promise ring and left on his mission!!! I was a VERY faithful missionary waiter for the 1st year and a half! Then started dating another boy. UGH Justin came home from his mission and 6 months later we were engaged!!! This year we are celebrating out 6 year anniversary!!! Oh how I love him!!!!!
I have a feeling I am going to be saying "ahhh" a lot as I read all of your comments...
We'll have to rewatch the tapes in Heaven because my husband and I disagree on who approached who (though I'm here to tell you I approached him because I was trying to introduce my roommate to boys) at a ward social. We dated 6 weeks (just about every day)before he (finally!) kissed me. After 4 months he met my family and he proposed to me in a wooded and secluded area of Central Park in NYC. I always swore I would date someone for a year before making that decision but I was 24 and had dated enough to know that if I didn't marry Jeremy I would be the biggest fool ever. I thought I loved him a lot then...but boy do I ever love him now!
My hubby and I had been dating for almost 9 months. He had been home from his mission for almost a year before we started dating. So we were starting to get some pressure. Every week people would say things like, so when is the big day or any progress. My husband is not a real planner. After we were married he revealed to me that he knew he was going to propose but just not how. One day in December he showed up at my apartment. I was sick, in sweats and an old t-shirt. I was watching a movie on TV. Brave Heart I believe. He started asking me all these cute and sweet questions about loving him forever. Then he looked at me and said "Well I think we should do it, I think we should get married!" I was not sure if he was asking or not, so I just sat there. He then looked at me and said "Well" I then realized what was happening. I jumped up and yelled YES! Then he jumped up and ran to the door. I asked what was wrong. He then shouted down the stairwell that he was late for work. He also shouted that he would come back after. AHHH Love. It might not have been the perfect proposal but he sure is a great guy!
My husband and I met at a church activity, tubing down the river. Both of us had frizzy hair after being in the water and he was super silly, introducing himself using three different names for the three of us girls standing there. Then, when we were tubing down the river again, he sprung at least three leaks in his tube and was trying to plug them all up wit his hands unsuccessfully. He made it to shore but says he felt pretty goofy. But, he was funny and so the next day at church when he asked me out, I said yes. I love that he was super silly that day, and I still love it about him now!
Here's the very, very short version: my husband and I met through our blogs. Well, our old blogs...we both have different ones now. Anyway, we found out later that we had mutual friends and probably would have met anyway, but I'm glad it happened the way it did--"blogging" is a much more interesting answer than "my friends introduced us." :oD
Match.com. Crazy right? He sent me an email, we corresponded a little and then set up a first date. Short story even shorter, we were engaged within a week and got married two months later (with a full-blown 300 guest wedding) Oh, did I mention that he took all of the missionary discussions and got baptized within that two months, too? Yeah, we were lightning fast but meant to be together forever. Seven years and two beautiful children so far and still in love. I'm still waiting for the marketing people at Match.com to call us for our appearance on their commercial!
i met my hubby aged 16 at a barbeque. it was definitely love at first sight for both of us, and next week it will be 12 happy years since we met!
I'm late in posting but I met my hubby on a cruise when we were 13! We were pen pals for a little bit and then stopped. He wrote me back 4 years later and we started chatting online and then he took a trip to AZ. I gave him a Book of Mormon, he met with the missionaries back in WI, got baptized, and we met up at BYU!
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