I am new to the mommy world. My little baby is 3 1/2 months old. She is so precious and I love watching her grow. I'd have to say that's my favorite thing to do right now, is just to watch her. I can't believe how much she has changed in just the last 3 months! She is so sweet and I know she likes me too. Being the food source does have its advantages! :) Being a mother has brought more happiness to my life than I ever thought possible.
I also like to scrapbook. I was so close to being caught up, then Brielle was born and I haven't done it since. I also like to play the piano, even though I haven't done it for a while.
Our reason for moving here was not entirely for school. Rob's dad was diagnosed with cancer almost 2 years ago, and with him going through different treatments, we thought we could be of help to them. And while I'm sure it's good for them that we're here, I also feel that this is where we are supposed to be. We have been so blessed ever since we got here. We just hope that can continue, as Rob is applying to dental schools. We are praying that we will be accepted here at the University of Minnesota.
I am so blessed with such a great family. Rob is a wonderful husband and father. I am so grateful for my parents and siblings, and for my parents and siblings that I was lucky enough to marry into. Family is the most important thing in my life. I am also grateful for such great friends here in Minnesota. It would have been so much harder to leave my comfort zone of Utah, if I didn't know that I could come to a group of so many wonderful friends through our church. I love this gospel, it is such a blessing in my life.
Brielle is a lucky little girl to have such a sweet and spiritual mom, and she's an adorable ladybug!
Cute, cute cute!!!
i miss you, you need to move back!!! At least we'll get some time together next month? Can you believe Christmas is next month!?!!!!
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