My family of 5 just made the longest road trip of our lives as we moved from one hot place to an even hotter one. Our kids are 5yrs old, 3yrs old, and 5 weeks old. I was mostly worried about how the 5 week old would manage his car seat for the week but I knew if I could keep the older two content I could focus more on the baby. Aside from frequent stops, nightly swimming and licorice...a new fairy was born. The Road Trip Fairy definitely got us through our trip. Each morning the Road Trip Fairy magically left a fun new toy on their seat (big thanks to Grandma for supplying most of these toys for us!) My kids were always very excited to get back into the car to see what they would find...there were never any tears spilt because they were sick of the car. The Road Trip Fairy has become a new part of our family and will come with us on any future trip without a doubt. Feel free to adopt her...it will save your vacation!!
This is such a good idea! I wish I had had this good idea before we went to CA and AZ! But I will definitely be using it when we go to WI! Maybe the Road Trip fairy will have to make a visit each time we make a pit stop! :)
Wow, thanks for the great idea. That is so smart! I'm glad your drive went well and that you're done with it.
Such a novel idea! Where did you move to, Shalee??
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