A lot of times on Mommy Diaries we focus on post-birth mothering. But since I've looked like the above woman (minus the cute hair and clean bathroom) for the last 4 weeks I'm desperately seeking advice on pregnancy and sickness. I'm grateful the new (at least new since my last child) term is "nausea and vomiting" instead of "morning sickness" because as most of us know it isn't limited to the morning. In fact, the morning is when I feel my best and it gets progressively worse throughout the day.
Here are a few things I've tried so I wouldn't throw up twice a day:
- They say to eat every 2 hours (I upped mine to every 1 1/2 hours)
- Ginger (I tried Organic Ginger Snaps that look like little mints...they are good to distract your brain if you are about to throw up. I've also tried Ginger Snap cookies and Ginger Ale. I also have some "legal" ginger tea I should try but the thought alone makes me queasy)
- Ice pops
- Sea bands (did NOT work)
- Dramamine (again did NOT work)
- B6 vitamin (25mg) coupled with Unisom
- And lastly, I got a prescription for the generic of Zofran (the drug they give to chemo patients) but it has yet to work.
I'm hydrated enough but I am pretty worthless when it comes to mothering my other two children and caring for our home...which comes with it an unbelievable amount of guilt. What do you do to combat the nausea and vomiting in pregnancy?
**And if you are one of the lucky ones who doesn't experience this please leave a comment so we know there's hope out there!**