So, I'm sure that we've probably visited this topic before, but now that I have a 3-week-old it's pretty much all that is on my mind these days. My little girl is so sweet and is relatively easy to get to sleep, but then after about 5 minutes of being asleep she just starts with really loud sharp cries that pretty much break my heart (and have severely rearranged my sleep schedule). It seems like her stomach is just really upset and keeps waking her up. I'm nursing her and have cut a lot of things out of my diet, but haven't seemed to found anything that has worked very well. Does anyone have any suggestions on great burping techniques or gas cures that will help my baby feel better and hopefully help our family get a little more shut-eye?
I have 2 suggestions. 1st I would have the baby adjusted by a chiropractor. If certain vertabrae are out it can increase tummy aches. Also she may have acid refulx not just gas. Adjustments can help with that too. Good luck! If you need a name of a chiropractor in your area put a comment on my blog and I will help you out :)
my doctor "prescribed" mylanta. It was such a life saver for me and my gassy baby.
If you are nursing try not drinking milk. Or you could also try drinking chamomile tea.
We swear by and LOVE Gripe Water. It works wonders. We call it Liquid Gold because it is $10/bottle. (But worth every penny when it helps your baby feel better). The only consistent place I've found to find it is Babies-R-Us. But I recently saw it at Target and in the past at CVS. It is by Little Tummies brand. Its natural and is AMAZING!
GRIPE WATER!!!! We've used the Wellements brand. But I'm sure it is all the same stuff, whatever brand you can find. I have to go to our local health food store to get it, $13 a pop! But well worth it. Also, our Ped. Dr. says that mylicon really does help. It is a chemical that doesn't go through the system. It just doesn't allow little bubbles to merge and form bigger ones which are the ones that cause pain. It is safe to use after every feeding, or so says the bottle. I always thought it was a fake but it does seem to help.
Sorry to be late in commenting... especially since I don't have much to add. But I've heard awesome things about Gripe Water too! My cousin with the quints used it and it was a lifesaver! Good luck!
My first was this same way for the first 6 months. We swaddled her REALLY tight and it seemed to help soothe the tummy and stop the crying. Also, My hubby liked to hold her like a football with his hand pressed up on her tummy and angled slightly with her head down. And then there's "Fart CPR" when you lay them on their back and take their legs up to their chest a few times. It helps to work the gassy bubbles through the digestive works.
For our oldest she was super colicky but it didn't always start with gas bubbles but through her fussiness she would suck in so much air so we used mylicon drops to get her to take a binky long enough to calm down.
Then my second had a HUGE belly and the docs said it was because I wasn't burping her properly. I burped her after everyfeeding so I was thinkig "Yeah RIGHT!" but they were right! I had to take 15 minutes after every feeding and adjust me hold on her a few times and I got up to 6 big burps out of her. I was shocked that she wasn't more fussy than she appeared to be.
Good luck and take naps during the day to keep up on your sleep!!
Have you ever wondered why q-tips and vaseline are in the baby aisle? My first son's pediatrician taught me a trick that works like magic but I have a hard time convincing people to actually try it even though I SWEAR by it. The problem with little babies is that their little anuses are too tight and breast feeeding produces a soft stool that is insufficient in mass to trigger the sphincter release. The doctor showed me how to take a q-tip lubricated with some vaseline or KY and push it in an inch or two. massage it around in there until the anus releases. You will be shocked by how much gas and poop comes out. Your baby will be totally happy until the next back-up. This is a practice that has been used for centuries but has gotten a little bit lost because people are uncomfortable telling someone else to do it. My doctor said I could use my pinky finger too but I stick with the q-tips. By the time they are three or four months old their little butts loosen up and you shouldn't have to use this trick anymore. Even though its gross it will SAVE YOUR LIFE if you do it. No, it won't cause them to become dependent on the q-tip to poop, and no, it won't make your boys gay. (this was a favorite concern of my husband's) Make sure you put a changing pad underneath because there will be a serious clensing the first time you do it.
i would also suggest asking ur doctor about possible reflux. she sounds very similar to my little boy who suffered badly with it until 1 yr of age (and still has a weak stomach) try putting a pillow UNDER the top end of her mattress so her whole top half is slightly raised as this may help keep any stomach acids where they should be. also try not to lay her down for half an hour after a feed, to give the milk chance to settle.
hope you find somethig which helps :)
Cocyntal - my husband and I swear by this product since our sweet boy (7 months now) had the same symptoms (waking up in major pain) when he was younger, but you have to use it right before every time baby eats. If you forget, just give it to her during feeding or just after. You can find it at Whole Foods or online. If you start using it as much as we did, it is cheaper online. It is natural - made up of vegetable extracts, and works wayyyy better than mylicon (for us, anyway). It comes in individual doses, which is so much easier than using a medicine dropper.
Just did this and I was bombed with poop and gas. Her belly went down immediately and she felt better. I didn't do it s far, just pressed down on her anus with the Q tip and boy oh boy it was explosive.
Just did this and I was bombed with poop and gas. Her belly went down immediately and she felt better. I didn't do it s far, just pressed down on her anus with the Q tip and boy oh boy it was explosive.
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