One thing I know a lot of us are looking forward to this month are all the fun Fall TV shows that are about to start back up. So our About Us question this month is: What are some of your favorite TV shows? Are there shows you can't stand to miss an episode of? Do you have one family favorite or a show for every night of the week? Are there any new ones you're looking forward to this year? Let's hear about your favorites!
This season doesn't have as many that catch my attention. But the ones we like to watch are: So You Think You Can Dance, Bones, Office, Heroes, Smallville, and 30 Rock. We are also adding the new Glee to our list.
Our favorites as a couple are Burn Notice (not really a fall show I guess), Chuck, Lie to Me, Medium, Castle, The Mentalist, Numbers, and The Big Bang Theory (because we have a computer nerd in the house...I won't name names Sam, don't worry...oops)
I like Grey's Anatomy and House, but Sam doesn't like to watch them as much. Not into the medical shows I guess.
And we are REALLY going to miss the show Life, that they just canceled after last season. One of our faves.
Good thing we have Tivo, that's more shows than I though we watched. LOL.
My husband isn't really into tv, but he will watch The Office and Conan with me. I also like House and Lost. Ugh, Lost is insane!
I am excited beyond words that SYTYCD is starting this fall!!!! Whoopie!! Also looking forward to Glee. My husband and I love to watch Biggest Loser...while we eat pizza. Haha! Totally excited for new shows! THank goodness for my DVR. Then I can be a good mom AND keep up on my shows.
I love TV when fall comes around:)
Our favorite shows to watch together are the Office, Survivor, Lost, 30 Rock, Parks and Rec. Wipeout, Heroes, and probably lots more I can't think of..we usually have them all set to record and take one night and watch them all! We also just started Glee, it's funny!
My favorites that he doesn't watch are SYTYCD, Idol, Top Model, 90210, Gossip girl, Make it or Break it.. I can pretty much get into anything! so sad!
My favorites are LOST, Office, Friday Night Lights, and Biggest Loser. We mostly watch everything together, but if I get the TV to myself, I like to watch Top Model (sometimes), Survivor, and Dancing w/the Stars.
Fall TV is SO FUN!
I try to not get started on new shows so I don't have to watch them all year. My husband and I can't usually watch any given show on a given day, so we wait till the season is out on DVD and then Netflix it and watch two hours straight(once the kids are in bed.)Right now we are hooked on the Office. We like Bones too and I am excited to start at Season 1 since I've only seen shows hit and miss.
We're way excited that So You Think You Can Dance is going to be on during the year now and we're fans of the Office and the Amazing Race. Yeah for new episodes of fun shows!
I feel like I answer these so late it's almost pointless because no one comes back to read them. Oh well. We watch So You Think You Can Dance, Idol, LOST, 24, Supernatural (my husband's fav), Office, 30 Rock, Bachelor/Bachelorette... my list could go on and on!
We are overly obsessed with 24. It doesn't start until January, but our entire week revolves around it!
I love Biggest Loser....and sadly, I always manage to get sucked into the Bachelor/ette!!
I actually don't have any channels on my TV. We haven't for several years now so the shows I like might be a little out of date... perhaps not.
I LOVE 'The West Wing.' I'm a complete fanatic. I have the first 6 seasons on DVD and watch them once or twice a year (which means there's like a one month period in a year where we aren't watching them). It is my relaxation show.
I used to love LOST, but have gotten annoyed with the series and decided to wait until it is all finished before watching the rest.
Our third fav is Heroe's. We've been Netflixing these and am in absolute love. We are on season 3 and it's torture waiting for the next disc.
Other than that I recently discovered Man v. Wild and think that is a lot of fun. As well as Boston Legal.
That's all now. :)
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