Dear Mommies,
We're at the start of the most loving month of the year and we want to know how you plan to celebrate Valentine's Day! Do you have a romantic dinner in or head to your favorite restaurant? Do you make Valentine's for your kids or buy them gifts? What do you plan to do/give to your husband? What do you want for Valentine's Day this year? Do you have any Valentine's traditions that you just can't live without?
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I love Valentines Day! I think it is one of my favorites because it is so nice to have a fun reason to celebrate when you're so sick of winter (which I definitely am!). We love to make Valentines for each other and make lots of fun cookies (decorating the sugar cookies and Valentines M&M cookies). We also like to give our kids a new book and maybe a little present to make the day more special. I haven't figured out what I'm going to do for my sweet husband this year, so I need to get on the ball with that!
Valentines Day = Freebie chocolate binge! Don't send me flowers. I don't want no stinkin' jewelry. Just a lovely box of See's chocolates will do! My husband and I usually head out for dinner--no dishes, no fuss, no mess. I am excited to see how the kids will react this year...they haven't really cared in years past. Hmm...What am I going to do for them??? Thanks for the reminder!
This is the one holiday that we really don't have any traditions for. We give each other a gift and we give our kids something small. And if we can get a babysitter we'll go out to dinner. This year will be different though because we are going to Vegas to meet my family for a weekend trip. And we aren't exchanging gifts because we are getting a new dishwasher. But I do have some new books for the kids and of course candy! :)
Happy Valentines!
Our kids each get one of those little heart boxes of candy for $1. I make a card for my husband and we make a big steak and shrimp dinner for just the two of us, and put the kids to bed early. We have candles and sparkling cider and even mood music! It is a silly but fun tradition. We used to go out to dinner but the wait was so long and babysitters for 5 kids too expensive.
I am quite excited about Valentines. I love it. All the love floating around. On the 1st of the month I told my husband that this was the month of love, so I've been trying to find all the things I love about him. It has been so nice! I don't concentrate on the little annoying things as much.
I love having my own traditions for these little holidays. Rather than buying cards, everyone has to make a card for every other person in the family (there's only 3 of us right now, so it's pretty easy) and during our family Valentines Day dinner all of the cards are placed on each person's plate. During dinner we can look over the wonderful handmade thoughtfulness from each person.
Also, we've done a Valentine's Phantom before where "someone" places gifts on our front door and then leaves. That was Rob's family tradition, I'm not so sure about that one yet. We'll see.
We always do a fancy stay-at-home dinner with heart ice cubes, and some sort of red drink.
After the kid goes to bed, we cuddle up to a girly movie, of my choice, and the best part? The husband is not allowed to be on his laptop during the movie. Isn't that the best?!
We do valentines simple. Not too much fuss, we make some treats, and have a nice dinner together as a family. This year my parents will be here visiting, so we made some extra special valentines for them. One year, I gave Scott a list of 100 reasons why I loved him, and it was so much fun. We don't usually do too much for each other on V-day though, just basic simple celebrating.
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