1 I Spy bag. You can choose from any of these shapes: dinosaur, fish, train, butterfly, heart, or flower. And you can pick from the colors above.
This necklace/key holder
This Placemat Purse
3 of the above items: flower clips, headbands (pink-child size, black-adult size), and child's belt.
**each prize is brand new and never used
Here are the rules:
- Anyone can enter! Just leave a comment telling us how you celebrate Easter!
- Only ONE comment per person, additional comments will be deleted.
- Giveaway will end Sunday April 5th at 11:59pm (central time).
- Winner will be chosen using random.org and posted Monday morning.
- If you are a winner email MommyDiariesAdmin@gmail.com within 24 hours and tell us your prize choice!
- For every 50 comments we will add another winner!! So spread the word!
Want some extra entries? Here are some things you can do:
- 1 extra entry for becoming a follower (over there on the left!). If you already are then you automatically have an extra entry!
- 1 extra entry for adding our button to your blog. If you already have one just remind us in your comment.
- And 1 more extra entry for blogging about the giveaway.
- If you do any of these things DON'T leave an additional comment. But make sure you let us know in your 1st comment and we'll figure in all the extra entries at the end. (If you forget to mention any of these things or you do them after your first comment has already been posted, no worries!! You can leave another comment and we'll record your extra entries and then delete it.)
And if we get over 100 comments we'll add in a bonus choice:

Brand new Twilight DVD
Ready?? GO! Good luck!
can't believe I am first!
How we celebrate Easter? With a hunt... and kids find items for their baskets..
adding your button to my side bar, already follow you and will blog about it!
Plus.. .don't I get bonus points for being first??? tee hee
You guys are awesome at fun giveaways, thanks! We like to do Easter baskets and try to have something gospel-related in there. We also have to make some delicious Easter sugar cookies as well. Thanks again you guys and I have a button...
we'll wake up and have an easter egg hunt. the girls will wear their new dresses to church and then we'll go to my in laws for dinner.
Church, easter agg hunt and dinner!
Fun! We celebrate by getting new Easter clothes for church, Easter baskets from the Easter bunny, an Easter egg hunt and a delicious ham dinner.
I was just a single gal with no kids in my family to celebrate Easter with for so many years.Last year,my daughter experienced her first Easter. My hubby and I made her a basket of teething toys and books. This year, my hubby is in boot camp so no family meal, but we are so doing the egg thing! I love hiding eggs!
We always die easter eggs, and then try to find them later. We also do baskets and wear our new clothes to church! I wish we had something new and fun to do! I have a button, too ... P.S. quitecontrary, where is your husband at boot camp?
We dye eggs the night before, my girls get new Easter dresses. I always cook Easter dinner and invite my family over and then the grandparents hide money in plastic eggs for the adult Easter egg hunt! FUN!!
Growing up we always had a nice breakfast or lunch depending on what time church was. I enjoyed inviting other families over and having a big get together. Now I am looking forward to getting ideas for traditions to start in my own little family!
I have my own Easter giveaway where I go to random.org and generate random numbers until my special number is chosen. That way I never feel bad about losing all the Mommy Diaries giveaways.
I am so excited for this giveaway!! We usually go to my husband's uncle's house & have a huge easter egg hunt. It's always so much fun & there's even stuff for the adults to find too. We also color eggs with our boys the day before. That makes it even more fun. Just a quick reminder, I am a follower, I haver your button & am going to post about this giveaway!! Thanks!! Hope I get lucky!!
I love giveaways!!! We love Easter and our daughter is 4 now so it all makes more sense! We always have an egg hunt and baskets but then we always watch the movie about the Real meaning of Easter so that we don't forget!!! P.S. I am a follower, I have a button!!! And I blogged!!! WOohoo!!! Happy Easter!
We go to church and it's early church, so we're not happy about it (but we go every week, so that doesn't make it different). What makes it different are the baskets the kids find by their beds when they wake up and the Easter dinner we have with other members of the family and, of course, the chocolate Easter egg hunt that we have later on. And after that I tell my kids to share their stuff with their own kids. Just kidding. I wish my grandkids that live in Minnesota lived closer so I could have a special Easter egg hunt with them. Happy Easter!
You girls are great!
We dye easter eggs, and have fun baskets full of goodies. We also like to do a fun craft the week or two before Easter and send them to grandparents!
I also have a button!
Yay, a give-away! I have a button, and I'm a follower. For Easter we try to do some fun things on Saturday, hunt for eggs, have lots of candy, etc. Then on Sunday we try to do something more spiritually minded while talking about Easter.
We do the easter egg/bunny stuff on saturday and then on sunday enjoy talking about easter for its true meaning. I love your giveaways!! I am a follower and have a button now too !!! Thanks for being a great site!
This sounds like fun! I made my girls Easter dresses which they can't wear until Easter. I also made them Easter baskets that I will fill with random books and candy.
Growing up my my dad would get us up early easter morning to watch the sun rise(This was symbolic for the Son Rising from the dead). While we sat there he would talk about Christ's life and how he was resurrected.
In the tradition of my husband's parents- we have our Easter celebration on Saturday. We do the traditional hunt, and get new church clothes. Then we watch an Easter movie, and talk about Christ. Our kids always get a movie in their baskets, so we usually have to watch them. When we find our baskets, most years we tie strings to them, run the string throughout the house and they have to follow it to get to their baskets. Or there is a treasure hunt to the baskets!
That silly bunny sure gives our kids a run for their money!(or goodies)
I am a follower, I blogged, and I have a button!! :)
Candy, I gotta have candy! We've never really been much for Easter presents in our family. Keep it simple with a little egg hunt. Of course, like Christmas, we'll be explaining the reason why we celebrate Easter.
-I have a button on my blog. Check!
-I'll certainly become a follower. Check!
-I tell my friends about this blog all the time but I'll blog about it so it is an easy click away. Check!
(I want an I SPY! They look neat!)
Well I'm here, posting my comment. La di da!
we celebrate Easter with baskets, mostly small gifts, and a little candy. Also, we all get new outfits and take our yearly family photo. I hope I win!!!
Search for baskets, hunt for eggs, Church, dinner. This is the first year that our oldest will be old enough to understand so I am still trying to plan. Maybe watch a church video.
My life is changing as my kids leave home....we have spent the years hunting eggs, baskets, and dinner. I am looking forward to grandkids so we can continue some of our traditions. When the kids were little I would make them a spring ourfit.
we usually do the white house egg roll until this year thanks to 1) no more friends in the new administration and 2) the idiotic new online system the administration introduced this year. oh yeah and we go to church. and hunt for eggs.
How fun!! We have an egg hunt and family dinner. The Easter Bunny usually brings new church clothes, shoes, ties, etc, and a church book, ctr jewelry, etc. I will become a follower and add your button to my blog.
This will be our first easter with our baby girl...she won't really know what's going on so we probly won't do anything real crazy. Family dinner and easter egg hunt with the nieces & nephews.
This year Kent and I have been asked to speak in Sacrament meeting! My family will also be in town for Easter. We will have Easter baskets for the boys, dye eggs, and do an egg hunt for the 3yr old. We will also have a nice family dinner.
Last year my ward got together on the Friday before Easter and had an egg hunt on the soccer field in our community. Everyone was told to bring 10 plastic eggs per kid filled with candy. Then each kid only picked up 10 eggs to take home. It was really fun! We also had a big potluck picnic while the eggs were being hid.
coloring easter eggs is a must do item. We also eat dinner with the entire family (grandparents) and hide plastic eggs throughout the house for the kids to find or outside if the weather permits.
We wake up, go to church and then do an easter egg hunt and open our baskets! Oh, and I LOVE those spy bags! carliann00(at)hotmail(dot)com
Growing up it was about pretty dresses and easter baskets but I think when Porter gets older it will include feeling special by dressing up and having a cute little treat but also more about Christ and what the whole thing represents. Oh and a yummy dinner to acompany the celebrating of the resurrection. I have a button of course and I posted about it!
the week before we talk a lot about easter - read the stories from the Bible... dye eggs, do an egg hunt, etc!
on Easter Sunday we wake up, find our easter baskets & go to church!
hm... it was always a big family dinner and an easter Egg hunt, with a basket and a movie on the resurrection, since I got married we added another family dinner, that's basically it, now that we have a baby we will have to think of how we wanna celebrate in the future, this year will probably still be spent with both of our families:),..I posted about the giveaway and have a button:) put me down for more!
My extended family has a huge annual eater egg hunt and picnic at the park. The eggs are always stuffed with candy, money or a number which you turn in for the corresponding prize. Unfortunately I will miss it this year. Sunday morning we find our hidden Easter baskets, go to church and have a nice dinner.
Honestly, I have a real problem with planning family traditions BEFORE the event. Afterwards I think of all sorts of fun things that we should have done and will most certainly do next year. Then next year rolls around. But THIS year I have you to remind me to plan my traditions! Yay! We always do some sort of egg hunt with candy and such for our "Spring Festival" the week before, then we have Easter on Sunday. We read stories about Jesus and the Resurrection, and have a good meal. We also eat whatever eggs we've managed to dye or color. Crayons work great for that, if you happen to forget to buy dye/vinegar. :)
We hide our Easter baskets and have the kids try and find them...good luck Carter! We also have a little Easter Egg hunt and try to help the kids understand what Easter is all about.
We do the Easter basket thing, Church and a dinner with my family :)
we celebrate with easter baskets, church and family dinner! :)
We color eggs, hide foil covered chocolate eggs over and over, go to church, eat ham and heavenly potatoes, and if we are lucky and we are this year, we get to share the day with our grandbabies and their parents of course.
This year it is my Hubby's B-day on Easter so we will have a BBQ here at our house :) I would l♥ve to win the I Spy bag! It would be perfect for my church calling :)
Every year we countdown to Easter with 12 plastic eggs that each tell a bit of the story of the resurrection. The kids love it! BTW - I added your button to my blog, I'm a follower and I blogged about the giveaway! That should be a ton of entries for me right? Woohoo! Happy Easter!!!!
We have an egg hunt the Saturday before Easter and on Easter we go to church and then open 12 eggs that have pictures of the Savior in them and tell the story of the resurrection.
We go to local Easter Egg Hunts in town on Saturday, then we have a family picnic in the afternoon. On Sunday we talk about the Savior then see what the Easter Bunny brought, go to church, then go to a family dinner.
This is our first Easter with a baby. We got her a little basket with a stuffed lamb and a little board book to go in it. We'll celebrate by spending time at our family Easter egg hunt and family dinner after church.
I read this on my friends blog and thought I would leave a comment. We as a family have really tried hard to combine both families traditions into one for our own. On easter Sunday the easter bunny would leave candies around and we would collect them as fast as we can. My husband's family would hide the basket around the house and you would have to look hard to find them. So now we do both we find the basket and collect the candy. It's a good combination of both. We also talk about the true meaning of Easter with are kids as well. We try to mix the fun with the real reason for the season
So fun - love the find it bags! I'm now a follower!
Momza said...
Woohoo! Count me IN!
We do the hunt, have ham and funeral potatoes and deviled eggs! We do small Easter baskets, just a couple candies since I don't really want to play up the commercial aspect. I think we will tell the story of the Ressurrection so they will know what it's all about.
We color eggs the day before and then the Easter bunny comes over night and hides the eggs outside. Or, if it's cold as it usually is in Wisconsin, hide them around the house. The Easter bunny leaves candy and small toys in the basket. We then have a big ham dinner and, of course, Easter candy!!!
Easter...we hide easter eggs and baskets, and give a picture of Christ. Eat ham, spend time with family and take lots of pictures!!
This is my first Easter having a kid of my own...old enough to "get" it...we are in the process of builing traditions...my parents will be here from out of state. I'm sure we'll have a ginormous breakfast (everything is better with food:)
I added your blog to my page and will become a follower right after I finish this post...
I'm so excited:) I hope I win:)
We don't have kids yet but when we do I want to celebrate with easter baskets and an egg hunt!
Of course we go to church and learn about the true meaning :)
We have Easter Baskets will hunt for eggs, something spiritual in it all and of course take a picture of the kids in their Easter outfits. We just have 1 baby now, but that is our plan for now! :)
I'm a follower and I added the button to one of my blogs.
We celebrate Easter eating chocolate eggs! Yummy!
Thanks for this great giveaway.
We always have an easter egg hunt when we first wake up. I even hid eggs for McKay to find before we had kids.
We color Easter eggs and we used to always go on a picnic. MY kids used the eggs to play baseball and we would roll them down the side of the mountain too.
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