Since our blog had expanded far beyond MN and we now have several mommies that we don't know, we thought it would be fun start doing "get to know you" questions. So the first week of every month, instead of doing a tricks of the trade question, we (the admins) will ask a question that's more about
you and not so much about motherhood. So we hope to hear from ALL our authors on this question and get to know all of you a little better! And of course we always love hearing from our readers as well!
So this week's question is:

The hot topic lately seems to be money (or lack thereof). So I want to know, if you had some extra cash today what FUN thing would you buy?? No, you can't say you'd put it in savings. This is extra extra cash that you have to spend on something fun. Let's say around $100. So what is it? Clothes, shoes, a massage, entertainment, jewelry, something for the house, something for the kids? Anything goes as long as it's a want and not a need!
I'm a new reader & love your blog. If I had some extra would be at the top of my list followed by some cute clothes & then a massage. Depending on the day, massage might move to the top of the list.
I'm going to have to go for shoes too and then maybe some fun jewlery. If I wasn't pregnant, though I would definitely go for some new clothes, it's just too depressing for me to shop when I can't zip up normal pants anymore. Sniff, sniff...
Clothes, or a new bag, or food (I love eating out).
But law students (and family) don't have 'extra' cash. LOL. No, no, we have bills and debt that's what we have.
Haha thats funny about the new clothes after being pregnant (Bridget) It's like you wanna wait for a while to get new clothes cuz you're hopeful to lose the baby weight.. but by then you are probably pregnant again haha!
Oh goodness.. what to do with $100 of spending money..I have to say sadly last year when we got the 'stimulas' money to 'spend' from the government I bought my husband a game system, but THIS time (this fake $100) I'll have to use it on me...this is really sad but honestly I would probably stick it in my wallet and use a little every day on eating out, and fast food! So pathetic but I do LOVE eating out and I really would probably just wanna use it on that little by little! and of course a little for clothes, random shopping! Nothing too exciting but it would be AWESOME!
I want a sewing/embroidery machine! Sadly they cost WAY more than $100.
Bridget, I would like an invite to your blog if you don't mind.
Where do I begin? I can think of 100 things I would spend it on! I think I'd have to go with a sewing I can start making some placemat purses! Or maybe I'll give Bridget, Kara and Cassi the $100 and they can just make the purses for me.
I'd probably do the same thing as Kiera: keep it in my wallet and get a treat or something whenever I wanted for a while. I'd probably find the desire to slip some clothes in there somewhere also.
SHOES!! Oh my goodness do I love shoes. And purses. I looove purses. But my biggest weakness ... fabric. I hoard fabric ... and dream of a shopping spree to the fabric store!
These have been fun to read so far! I think I'd definitely buy clothes or shoes. Although I've been on a craft kick so I could easily blow $100 on craft supplies right now.
I'm not different than the rest of you. I love having a little cash in my wallet, in case the mood to spend randomly comes up. I'd love a great new pair of jeans, and probably some furniture.... way more than 100$! Oh well, a girl can dream.
I am 8 weeks until the end of my second pregnancy and so my 100 would totally go to me and get a massage and maybe a facial and a foot massage and oh how I could go on! I am getting to that miserable stage and would love to just be pampered!!!!
I'm so used to not having cash to spare, I wouldn't feel comfortable with having it. :) I would get my hair cut and colored. Then with the extra I would buy a new dress. I really want a new dress.
I'd buy more maternity clothes, get a manicure, or maybe put it towards a weekend get away with just my hubby and I. Oh if only I actually had that extra $100.
We need a sponsor to give us all $100! :)
If I had any extra money, I would cut my hair, at a REAL salon. I haven't had a hair cut for about 8 months.
And with the rest, I would go on a date with my hubby- no kids! :)
I always love shoes, and some new clothes would be great too, but at this very moment I would probably pay for dancing lessons with my husband. My whole life I've played sports but have always secretly wanted to be a better dancer. Hey, maybe I should become a famous bball player and then they'll pick me for "Dancing with the Stars!" If not dancing lessons, maybe some new piano music.
I'd get a cute hair cut and a new outfit. Or maybe just blow it all at the Melting Pot for Lobster Fondue!
If I had some extra cash I would totally take my husband on a romantic weekend getaway! We just moved a week ago and my husband just started a new job. Needless to say we have been a little stressed out! Hopefully I can find a babysitter here in my new area so that we can at least go on a date.
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