One of our favorite things to do at our house is to read to our little girl (we'd love to read to our baby too, but he mostly just wants to eat the books, so he gets to hear from far off). And, since we also like to give books at Christmas I thought I'd ask what some of your most-loved kid books are in your families. One of our rediscovered favorites is "Grandpa Bunny". It was one of my husband's favorite books when he was a kid and they just started republishing it so we got a copy from my in-laws. It is an adorable story and Rachel loves it already. Some of our other favorites are the Olivia Books by Falconer and of course any of the Dr. Seuss books (the little board books they make of these are fantastic!). I look forward to hearing what you and your kids love to read!
What is it about Dr Suess that seems to captivate every kid out there?
In general both my kids love the Sandra Boynton books! And I used to have the same books when I was little too. They are simple and fun and now Parker has some of them memorized and sometimes "reads" them to Mayli.
Another more recent favorite is the "How do Dinosaurs _____?". We already have most of them! Really cute books!
Ian really likes books with music. Either books that you simply sing the words or books that you push the buttons and sing along to the music. I got him a book called "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" from the church bookstore. It played about 5-6 songs that you can sing to. Ian LOVES this book and now he can sing along both at home with his book and in nursery.
He also loves a book called Silent Night. You basically just sing the song (there is no music) and he looks at the pictures of Jesus. He has been requesting that book for months and usually has us sing it 3-4 times. So now he knows his first Christmas song! He is just a musical kid I guess.
I loved The little house and Ferdinand as a kid. My kids prefer us to "tell them a story" because it's interactive and gets really silly, but we still insist on reading to them too. I'll have to try to find that book, I've never heard of it.
Quinn's current favorites are anything by Ezra Jack Keats (Snowy Day, Whistle for Willie, Peter's Chair are some of his more well known books) and a book called Kipper's A to Z...she is super into ABC's and loves to point out ALL of the A's etc on each page. it takes us a while to get through that one. :)
Haley (who is 3 1/2) is very into fairy tales right now (we have a thick volume called Five Minute Fairy Tales--by multiple authors--that includes every fairy tale I know and a ton that I've never heard of, including a couple distinctly international ones). She also likes Berenstain Bears.
Jessica (age 1 1/2) likes nursery rhymes, Sandra Boynton, and anything Sesame Street.
Other popular library picks for us are anything by Derek Anderson (especially Gladys Goes to Lunch), Pirate Girl by Cornelia Funke, Tap Dance Fever by Pat Brisson and Nancy Cote, and Lily's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes (okay, that last one is more because Brian and I love to read it--we're also in love with the Charlie and Lola series on Disney Channel and make Haley watch it whenever we're within reach of cable TV).
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