A great example of this is her hearty participation in the choir at church. Several months ago the choir leader announced that anyone was welcome to come no matter how old they were. My darling little girl looked up into my eyes with hope.
"Mom! Does that mean me?"
So she started going. Now every Sunday after church a friend of ours (whose also in the choir) will watch out for her and bring her home.
Yesterday they sang and I nearly burst with pride and love. There are around 10-15 people in our little choir (I didn't count, I'm estimating here) and she is the youngest member by about 20 years. I would have paid money for a picture of that, but I'm left with a mere memory that I'd love for you to imagine to yourselves.
It was our Branch Conference and all the Stake leaders had come from some great distances to be there. When the time came my little girl grabs our friends hand and practically drags her up to the pulpit. People shuffle around to get into position with my little one in front and coming no further than waist lines on everyone around her. She clasped her sheet music and began singing as loud as she could (which of course you couldn't hear at all with the adults).
I was told later, after church, that it caused quite a stir amongst the assembled leadership and many comments were made to various Branch members about "that little girl in the choir."
I haven't pushed her in any way, I haven't forced her to go when she didn't want to or anything and yet of the three little ones that started going she is the only one that has stayed on.
I wish I could find my sons niche, find what it is that he wants to do that bad. Maybe it will come out sooner or later.
How about you? Do you have any memories of doing grown up things at a young age? Or do your kids do anything you're particular proud of?
I remember doing a lot of giving up when I was young and I admire my daughter for her perseverance.
That's cute about your little girl in the choir!!
When I was little I was way to shy and avoided interaction with adults at all costs! :)
And my kids are a little too young still to have had any "grown up" experiences. But I'm sure proud of them! They are good kids and seem to be pretty well mannered... at least I hope they are (I wish I could see how they are at school, primary, etc.)!
Oh it's so fun being a Mommy!
That is awesome, what a sweetheart you have! I'm always proud of my two year old, especially when he does something unexpected like say "please" or "thank you" without being prompted.
When I was little my parents always told me that if I wanted to bear my testimony I had to do it all on my own. So I would think about it, practice and finally felt like I could do it. Then I got really scared and embarassed and didn't do it for a really long time.... I'm still trying to get over that! :)
I still avoid bearing my testimony so don't worry.
My parents did a lot of letting me get out of things. If I didn't want to go to ballet because I'd rather play with friends, then I didn't go.
I'm still a bit resentful about that. But I've learned the trick! Pay for the years worth of lessons up front and then you have every reason in the world to say "Ha! Over my dead body you're not going."
I can see Boston now! She always was a little more grown up than most. But in a completely honest way. We had teacher conference here and one of my boys teachers told me that my son is the peacemaker in his class and told a naughtly boy that he should pray so he can act better. Made me smile, and so proud!
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