This is my first time with the tricks of the trade question and I wasn't sure of what to do but I have been thinking about this a bit lately with Easter and everything. Porter is my first child and he is currently nine months old and like any first time parent I have been obsessed with taking pictures of every little thing he does and dressing him up for every holiday in cute outfits. I know a lot of mom's who take their kids in to get pictures taken at like target or sears every three months, some moms do it every six months, others wait for a holiday such as Easter or Christmas. It's hard to know how often to get their pictures done. So I guess my first question is how often do you get your children pictures taken? The other thing is it gets pricey to get their picture taken all of the time, I know there are constantly coupons but it's still for one pose and if you want more then one thing it adds up fast. I am one of those who takes their own pictures of the baby, which leads me to my next question, if you take pictures of your children do you have any fun ideas for set-up or places to take pictures? and also do you have any tips on how to edit them when you are done? for example on how to make the lighting look good? I have done a few of the black and white with one thing in color and that's fun the first couple of times and then gets old.
So just to recap... How often do you get your children's picture taken? and Do you have any tips or ideas for taking pictures yourself?
I'd like to say I take my kids in for yearly pictures but I don't. I take so many pictures myself. And digital cameras can take some pretty good pictures these days, so I can't justify paying to take my kids somewhere professional. Maybe I will when we have a job... but then school pictures won't be far behind.
I do really want to try and get a yearly family picture. Right now I've been taking that myself too and it's not good enough.
As for picture taking tips? Yikes... I have no idea. Outside pics are always my favorite (but our apartment doesn't have the best light source). And I have a nice program on my computer that is pretty easy to use. The hardest part is getting all the kids to look and smile at the same time!
well I'm no pro or anything and unlike my sister, who can take some killer pics of my kids, it's really hit or miss for me, but I have learned a few things...
1) take tons! that's the secret to a real photographer, for everyone one good picture there are probably 100 not so good ones. They don't just wander around getting good shots every day.
2) try not to take a picture of the whole house while your at it. I heard somewhere that the subject should take up 2/3 of the picture. I find this to be pretty true, when I get good pics of the kids it's because they are close to the camera.
3) sunlight has a lot to do with it, believe it or not mid day is a bad time for lighting of pictures... I have several pictures I took of my kids when they were like one and two and they are my favorites ever because the kids absolutely glow like gold in them. I took them at sunset.
Hmm, this is a good topic. I love it!
oh, and imho, I don't care so much if everyone is looking at the camera and smiling... it's too... posed. I really like the ones where they are interacting with each other, like kissing or smiling and rough housing. Another one of my favorites is my baby (whose two now) when he was trying to learn how to purposely smile and he's got this contorted growl on his face (his eyebrows are scrunched together and his teeth are bared) and the shot is all face, there's nothing else you can see and it is absolutely one of my favorite pics.
My daughter is almost 2, and I've had her pictures taken "professionally" at Jcpenney once. And I think I can to just as good of a job. Not because I'm good, but because I know how to use Photoshop. Yes, that is the key. You can have a nice picture, but editing it in photoshop (elements or the regular one)can make it look professional.
I like to look at actual professional photography blogs to get ideas of fun poses and how lighting affects the pictures. It's very beneficial for me.
I'm also going to be taking a photography class (yipee!!) so that I can actually know how to use my nice camera. I think that helps a lot too.
But my main piece of advice would be to take lots of pictures, find ones you like, and edit them. Get photoshop!! (I have elements, and it is awesome!)
My husband is a really great photographer. We go up the canyon and use the tripod. We take family pictures about once a year, or when we have a new baby. But we too take so many pictures of our kids that I don't feel the need to have set "picture" days. My main problem is getting them developed.
My advice...
1-Take LOTS. Like the others said. Some times I will take 20+ pictures and none of them are what I want. I’m just grateful for digital cameras where we can get rid of the ones we don’t like, and it doesn’t cost a thing!
2-Get a good editing program. I use Picasa 3. You can download it for free.
3-Experiment. See what you like. We all have our own tastes.
Thanks for all of the advice! I totally agree taking a tons is a big plus. I do have an editing program but it is so hard to learn how to use all of the layers and technical jargon that I don't understand, I wish there was a make picture look good button, that would help a ton! I have not thought about taking pictures at sunset, that will solve my shadow on the face problem I bet. Thanks again, now on to better picture taking I go!....hopefully!
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