Ok, so I was going to wait to do the first "tricks of the trade" post until next week when I had a list of people and knew if anyone even wanted to do it but that was before I dried 2 loads of laundry in my dryer with a green crayon!!!! So I'm going to go ahead and do the first one now in hopes that someone will give me a good idea. So keep letting me know if you want to be on the list to ask questions and in the meantime...
How do you get crayon out of clothes?
I heard that if you use a paper towel and an iron, they should come right out. You put the paper towel between the material and the iron, and it melts it onto the paper towel. I have gotten candle wax out of carpet this way. Let me know if it actually works. Also, you can put my blog on the sidebar if you want! Thanks Cassi!
I'm sorry, Cassi! I'm a laundry-loser so I have no hints. If you looks closely at any of the things my family is wearing, it's guarenteed to have a stain somewhere! Good luck!
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