Something I have been struggling with lately is finding time to exercise. And especially after having a 3rd baby I really want to start doing better. But I keep trying different things and nothing seems to stick. So I was wondering what you guys do to keep in shape? And how do you find time to do it? I know you must have some secrets to it since you ALL look so great!
I got an eliptical machine and I positioned it towards the tv so I don't get so bored working out. It helps being indoors when it is too hot to go outside for a walk.
The way I started losing weight was to not eat seconds, and I don't eat after 7. Then through my husbands old job we got a gym membership so now I also do 10-15 minutes on the stair stepper and run/walk 1 mile and then do some weights. You could also try a workout video, but I'm not coordinated enough for those.
Let's see...I chase Jared around all day, wrestle with both kids to change their diaper and get them dressed, lift a 30lbs child and a 20 lbs. child up into high chairs and car seats and grocery carts, run the aisles of the grocery store so that I can finish shopping by the time Kara has finished her free cookie from the bakery, and at the end of the day I reward myself with a huge bowl of ice cream (maybe 10 big scoops?!) and chocolate (usually at least a sleeve of oreos.)
Shalee you sure are lucky! I just walk/run on treadmill for a half hour and sometimes if I am lucky then I do a ab workout. I do this in the morning while Tyson takes his first nap and Marcus and I watch Backyardiagns.
I am really sporadic on sticking to one work-out plan. So, the thing that I've found to work is make a goal for the number of times that I'm going to work out per week (usually 3 or 4). Then, no matter what I choose to do for the actual workouts, I write when I complete a workout on the calendar. I know it's dorky to have a "goal" like this, but it's the only thing that works for me. I mostly do videos and running, and I have been known to do two workouts on Saturday to try and cram it in. I definitely need to try to be more consistent about the time that I work out (like the mornings instead of 10:00 at night). Oh well - let me know how it's going! Good luck!
You are all so good at working out. I particularly liked Shalee's idea of working out. I havn't been able to work out the past few weeks or month or so, and it is definately catching up with me. I am lucky enough to have pass to the YMCA, but don't use it as often as I should. My ideal workout is swimming laps, but that isn't very realistic, so I stick to simple things like walking, running, and a kickboxing class every Tues. and Thurs. I'm more like Bridget, I have to set a goal of how many times per week I'm going to work out, except I usually reward myself with food. Now, if only I could set that goal and actually stick to it.... it's a work in progress.
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