No! This is not my attempt to announce that I am pregnant either. But Shalee's false announcement gave me an idea for this week's tricks of the trade question!
What are some fun or creative ways you've used to announce that you were pregnant to you husband, family, or friends? Or some fun ones that you've heard of!
I never had a chance too. My dh told everyone the second he found out. When I got pregnant with my youngest I asked him if we could keep it a secret for a little while and come up with a creative way to tell everyone. Nope within 15 minutes my entire family knew. I guess he was just too excited to keep it in. But he has always been bad about keeping secrets.
For my first I announced it as a Christmas present for our parents. For our second, I made a slide show of my hubby's family vacations over the few years that I have been a part of it all. At the end I threw in a picture of the positive pregnancy test.
I made this big deal to my mom about a test I had to take that week (I was still in college at the time). Then when I talked to her to tell her what I got on it I just said "Positive!" She was the only one I did that for though.
well, here's a creative way--telling everyone about it on mommy diaries? :) i'm due 9/20/08, and it's another girl!
Congratulations Molly!!!!! That is so exciting. I love having my two girlies, but then anyone will tell you they love what they have...as it should be. My girls are best friends they are 2 and 1 and are so cute together. My oldest is always looking out for her baby sister. Are you and Sarah due around the same time?
Now I'm not very creative, but my sister posted her pregnancy test on her blog. I tend to be too excited and just call, but with my third I'll have to come up with something clever.
Congrats!!! Molly, that is so fun. September! That is soon.
My sister made her daughter a shirt that said "I"m going to be a big sister" on it, and she wore it a family reunion. It took us all most of the day to finally read it. It was pretty funny, but creative. She has also put a picture of their first ultrasound in a gift bag for a Christmas present, and with her first baby, she brought a cute bowl of candy to my mom's house when she came to stay for the weekend. All the candy had to do something with babies - tart'n'tiny's, baby ruth, etc. It was cute. Everyone was chowing down on the candy and I was digging through it to see what I wanted when I finally said "wait, are you pregnant?" It was funny!
Congrats Molly! That is very exciting news.
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